How to increase penis: 8 penis enlargement methods


For many guys, penis size is a common concern, leading to anxiety. What many don’t realise is that, besides having a perfectly normal penis, the size often matters more to them than anyone else, driving some to look for ways to increase penis size. Interestingly, a large study showed that 85% of women are satisfied with their partner’s penis size.

Still, you might wonder if it’s possible to increase penis size. Here’s the hard truth: aside from surgery and penis implants, most treatments won’t increase your penis. Despite wild claims in ads, a quick Google search will show you advertisements for pumps, pills, and weights that claim to increase penis size, but there’s very little scientific support for these nonsurgical methods.

Here are the most common procedures and devices that claim to increase penis size, many of which come with severe risks. Keep reading to learn more.

If you’re also looking into sex dating, it’s important to stay informed about these methods. Remember, sex dating is about finding connection and enjoyment, not just about physical attributes.

1. Increase penis length with surgery

With penis enlargement surgery, a surgeon cuts the ligament attaching the penis to the pubic bone. This increases the perceived length of the penis. Is this procedure recommended? Not according to Seth Cohen, MD, a urologist with NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. He often sees patients concerned about their penis size and asking about enlargements.

“The suspensory ligament suspends the penis like the suspension on a bridge. If you cut the suspensory posts on a bridge, the bridge will lag lower,” says Cohen. “I really don’t recommend it because your erection will never point north again.”

Research supports Cohen’s view. Satisfaction rates are low, and most surgeons recommend these procedures only in the rare case of a true micropenis. For those involved in sex dating, understanding these risks is crucial. Being informed can help make better decisions when considering sex dating and related enhancements.

2. Increase penis girth with surgery

Some providers offer surgery to increase penis girth. There are two primary approaches.

First, a patient’s own fat can be injected into their penis to increase girth. However, these procedures aren’t generally recommended. They haven’t been shown to be very effective and can carry risks.

Another approach involves wrapping a substance like AlloDerm—sterilized tissue harvested from cadavers—under the skin of the penis, similar to seaweed in a sushi roll. This results in a girth increase. However, this is considered an “off-label” use. AlloDerm is approved for burn therapy and reconstructive surgery, not penis enlargement. Nonetheless, healthcare providers can use a medication or device for unapproved purposes if they believe it is in the patient’s best interest.

In the context of sex dating, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks. Medical literature reports complications like infection and skin necrosis when AlloDerm is used for penis augmentation. If you’re considering these procedures to increase penis size for sex dating, make sure to understand the risks involved.

3. Penis injections

To increase penis girth, some doctors inject temporary cosmetic fillers into the penis. These fillers are similar to those used on lips, brows, and smile lines to plump them up.

“I’ve never done this, but I’ve seen it done a few times,” says Cohen. “It really depends on the substances you use. Restylane and Juvederm are tried-and-true substances we use as fillers on cheeks, chins, and different areas in the body. They usually last around six months and get absorbed into the body. They’re not really tried-and-true tested on the penis. We just don’t have any data to say it works long-term.”

There is a significant potential downside to injecting fillers into your penis. “The penis is a very vascular organ, full of smooth muscle and spaces that hold blood,” says Cohen. “If you fill one area, it may look very blotchy in another area. So you get this sort of lumpy, bumpy effect that is probably not what people are looking for.”

In the context of sex dating, it’s crucial to consider these risks. While the idea to increase penis size might seem appealing, the potential for an uneven and unsatisfactory result is high. For those involved in sex dating, understanding the implications of such procedures is essential.

4. Penis implants

Permanent penis implants have been available for decades for men with ED who don’t respond to usual treatments. In 2004, the FDA approved Penuma, a penile implant for cosmetic enhancement. The cost of the procedure varies but typically falls between $16,000 and $18,000.

A study of 400 patients with Penuma implants found an average of 56.7% increase in girth. At long-term follow-up (2-6 years), 81% reported “high” or “very high” satisfaction. However, 3% experienced complications requiring implant removal.

Now, several urologists offer this procedure. However, not all recommend a penis implant for enlargement. “Penile implants are appropriate for men with erectile dysfunction that doesn’t respond to conservative therapies,” says Landon Trost, MD, a urologist with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. “The issue with penile fillers or implants is their many side effects. Fillers and Penuma are generally not recommended by most sexual medicine specialists.”

Side effects of implants can include sexual dysfunction, infection, penis deformities, and more. More research is needed on these procedures. For those involved in sex dating, it’s important to understand the risks. While the desire to increase penis size is common, being well-informed about the potential complications is crucial.

5. Penile extenders

Penis extenders are traction devices you strap to your flaccid penis and wear for several hours a day. Over time, this can result in penile lengthening, though it may take months to see results.

“Nearly anything can be stretched in the body, including the penis, and that has been done for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years,” says Trost, who developed a traction device called RestoreX to help men with Peyronie’s Disease, a condition where the penis becomes unnaturally bent.

In three randomized, controlled trials, nearly all men using RestoreX experienced penile lengthening. “Regarding penile girth, that is less well established,” Trost adds. “There are no known therapies which have consistently shown an ability to increase penis girth outside of penile injections (fillers) or surgery.”

For those involved in sex dating, it’s important to understand the options and limitations. While the desire to increase penis size is common, being well-informed about the effectiveness and risks of these methods is crucial.

6. Jelqing or penis stretching

There’s plenty of info online about jelqing. This involves stretching exercises where the flaccid penis is pulled and massaged with fingers or a specially designed device. However, results aren’t permanent. Like penis weights, jelqing comes with significant risks of injury.

“I’ve had plenty of patients come to see me post-jelqing with neurological tears,” says Cohen. “Now they have a numb penis or tearing and overstretching of the arteries and veins, leading to permanent ED. If you tear the microvasculature or micro neurological input to the penis, no one can correct that.”

In short, jelqing is not recommended. For those interested in sex dating, understanding the dangers of trying to increase penis size through such methods is crucial. Prioritise safety and be wary of risky techniques.

7. Penis pumps

Penis pumps are vacuum devices designed to coax blood flow into the penis, helping achieve an erection. However, they won’t permanently increase penis size.

In a study published in BJU International, 37 men used penis pumps for 20 minutes three times a week over six months. Researchers found that the average penis length increased by only 0.3 cm, which was not statistically significant. The treatment was only 10% effective, and just 30% of the participants were satisfied.

Trost doesn’t even recommend penis pumps for treating ED because they might cause the disorder they are meant to correct. “There is a question as to whether using a vacuum device in younger men, who are trying to increase penis girth, may lead to some degree of erectile dysfunction,” says Trost. “Generally, men who try vacuum devices for ED use them a few times and then discard them.”

For those interested in sex dating, understanding the limitations and potential risks of such devices is important. While the desire to increase penis size is common, it’s essential to consider safer and more effective options.

8. Male enhancement pills

No matter how appealing those “male enhancement pills” behind the bodega counter or in Google ads may seem, they won’t increase penis size, according to experts. “There are no supplements out there that will grow the size of your penis,” says Cohen.

For those involved in sex dating, it’s important to understand that these pills are unlikely to provide the results they promise. Despite their enticing advertisements, they don’t offer a solution for increasing penis size.

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